For a future made of 100% natural, recyclables and ecological materials, let's turn to a new way of life with zero waste!

I Found Eco-friendly replacements for common bathroom products:
Plastic-free Toothpaste, Toothbrush
I have recently discovered SMYLE brand and it’s great products!
Each year 1,5 billion toothpaste tubes end up in our oceans and landfills. These products are Tube-Free, Chemicals-Free, and Allergen-Free.
Bamboo Cotton Swabs & Cotton Pads
The cotton swab is one of the most common wastes in the sea. These cotton buds have a bamboo stick and come in this recycled paper box. I found them at Holland & Barrett >>
The last one for us ladies! Period underwear
Period pants are an innovative sanitary product that aims to replace wasteful sanitary products, pads, and tampons.
I bought mine from a French brand, I’m really pleased with them!
You can find equivalent in the Uk!
